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  • laurenansay04

The Preparation to Connect

September 26th

This past week I've sent out emails to speech pathologists around my location in hopes of getting to meet with them, and discuss more this field. It was important for me to keep these emails formal and to the point because the ladies I emailed would be taking time out of their day to meet with me. My first interview is October 1st, where I'll be meeting with a great speech pathologist apart of her own private practice. When going into the ISM program, I made sure to send emails to both speech-language pathologists who are working in schools and private practices. This way I will be able to learn about both experiences, to hopefully know which area I'd specifically want to work in as I pursue this career. Additionally, I have done more extensive research on speech therapists working on communication rehabilitation with patients diagnosed with participation troubles. This is known as Aphasia, which highlights the issue people have to communicate and participate, which is something they will need to overcome in order to achieve success in job opportunities, meeting new people, and other situations that involve using communication skills. It was another behavior disorder I had been unaware of, but now studying the research, I have a proper understanding of how to help future patients.

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