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  • laurenansay04

Mentor Meetings and Evaluations

January 31, 2022

Today I met with my mentor, Ariel Vovakes. We had a patient cancel today, so we decided to have our regular meeting discussing my final product, and working on making my 3D prototypes functional and as realistic as possible for how a speech pathologist would want it completed. I've decided to focus on 3 speech sounds which are "k", "th", and "s" sounds. For each sound, they'll be words where the letter is structured in the beginning, middle, and end, in order to help the child practice their skills more. For example, the letter "k" will consist of words in the pile like Key, marKer, and sharK. This will help the children gain strategies depending on where the letter is placed in a word. Additionally, we talked about our next visit, where Ariel is going to ask if I can sit on an evaluation. This will be super exciting to sit in on because I can see how they figure out what the child needs help on, and something different than seeing kids with feeding troubles or speech sessions. It'll be an hour-long examination that I'm looking forward to if the parents allow me sit in.

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