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  • laurenansay04

How I Feel After the Interviews

October 25th, 2021

During the month of october, I have spent my time meeting with amazing speacialists in the field of speech-language pathology. I was able to engage both virtually and in person, in order to gain a better understanding on what path I want to take persuing this course. I believe now that I'd like to study and discuss more about working in a provate practice, and a mentor can for sure help me figure out my way. We haven't picked our mentors yet, but I have a good idea on who is at the top of my list. Additionally, we've been working on our orginal work ideas, creating a plan for what we want to eventually present as our final product. My idea is to create a speech-pathology board game that fits the needs of children dealing with a particular speech-impediment. This includes having a game based on R's, the Th sound, and much more. I'm also considering it to have multiple cards of certain impediments, but we'll see soon. During my ISM journey, I hope to better the speech pathology community as a whole by creating new innovative ideas that'll maybe be used in the future by professionals.

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